
Friday, May 3, 2019

#longest wait ever for cross country

This is what happened on Thursday we did the role and then we went to Walter park to do our cross country I new we were last to run but I did not now that we had to we had to wait that long I was so disappointed that we had to wait to the end to race ready go! I tried to get to the front but my friends were to fast then I stopped and had a break and walked for a we bi but then I heard my cousin shout come on Ryan start running so I started to jog   then I saw something I would never of seen before I was coming 4th witch was so good for me last time I did cross country I came 8th so I was so happy I speed up to see if I was getting close to the finish line I was I was so happy that I was close to the finish line because I was so tired.Yes I finished I was so happy I came 6th place!!

                                               this is me running (I'm the one in the middle)

              have you done a cross country before?

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