
Thursday, April 30, 2020

dog facts!!

For writing this is my learning intention, I had to use language that is suitable to the topic, audience and purpose. We had to make a report this is my report.
 What do you now about dogs?.

cool toucan facts!!

For reading this is my learning intention, I had to use language that is suitable to the topic, audience and purpose. We had to make a poster on toucans this is my poster
What do you now about toucans?

fun tidy numbers!!

For math this is my learning intention.  We had to use a broad range of mental strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems-tidy numbers. We had to make a poster on tidy numbers this is my poster .

What do you now about tidy numbers?,

Thursday, April 23, 2020


For math I am learning about probability, we had to make a question about probability or a game about probability. Our learning task is to make predictions based on data collected AND assign probabilities to simple events using fractions. I choose to do a question. My question is if I have 10 basketballs and 9 of them were blue what is the probability of getting the other colour.  I hope you liked my blog.
What is the answer to my question?.

Anzac day!!

For writing this week I had to make a slide about ANZAC day my writing task was to use language that is suitable to the topic, audience and purpose. Here are some facts about ANZAC day facts that I have learnt

1. ANZAC biscuits where originally named ANZAC wafers

2. ANZAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corps

3. The ANZAC fought in WWI

4. The Anzacs fought in Gallipoli

cool mascot!!

For reading I'm am learning about making connections between texts and real life experiences. We had to make a mascot, I made a trampolining mascot. I did a trampolining mascot because I do trampolining this is my mascot.
have you ever made a mascot?.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Whats in the bag?

I played whats in the bag for school, so my dad put some things in a bag and I pulled the objects out of the bag one by one. I had to put them back in after I pulled them out. On my first turn I pulled out 8 objects, I guessed what it was and I got it wrong. Then I did it again and I pulled out 20 objects, I guessed it I said to my dad is it 4 gold and 2 blue and he said "yes". So it shows that the bigger sample the more chance you will get it right. So that is what happened when I played whats in the bag.

have you ever played whats in the bag?